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5 Secrets Of Living- by Warren W. Wiersbe


5 Secrets Of Living- by Warren W. Wiersbe

  1. Bearing Fruit
  2. Abiding
  3. Obeying
  4. Loving
  5. Knowing

Basic Principles Of Biblical Counselling- by Dr. Larry Crabb


Basic Principles Of Biblical Counselling- by Dr. Larry Crabb

Showing Care Through The Local Church

The local church has the responsibility to restore hurting and troubled people through love and acceptance.

Be God's Guest- By Warren W. Wiersbe


Be God's Guest- By Warren W. Wiersbe

Learn to see Christ in each of the 7 feasts that God instituted in Leviticus 23

  1. Passover
  2. Unleaven Bread
  3. Firstfruits
  4. Pentecost
  5. Trumpets
  6. Day of Atonement
  7. Tabernacles

Don't Lose Your Crown- by Warren W. Wiersbe


Don't Lose Your Crown- by Warren W. Wiersbe

Studies In the Life of King Saul

Pay attention to the important lessons that Saul never learned.

Enjoy Your Freedom- by Warren W. Wiersbe


Enjoy Your Freedom- by Warren W. Wiersbe

"and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.....If the Son, therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."  John 8:32 & 36

Famous Unanswered Prayers- by Warren W. Wiersbe


Famous Unanswered Prayers- by Warren W. Wiersbe

When God Says "No" To The Believer, He Has His Child's Best Interest At Heart

Discover barriers to answered prayers, learn how and why God told Moses no, glean valuable lessons from why God three times told the Apostle Paul no. 

From Worry To Worship- by Warren W. Wiersbe


From Worry To Worship- by Warren W. Wiersbe

Studies in Habakuk

How do God's people go from worry to worship? The secret is found in the little Book of Habakkuk—and now this secret can be yours.

God's Word, God's World And You- by Charles Swindoll


God's Word, God's World And You- by Charles Swindoll

A Bible Study Guide On Evangelism

Evangelism is much broader than just techniques . . . much bigger than a once-a-year event or a weekly program. It's both natural and supernatural. It includes both simple conversations and life-changing conversions. It's as complex as the relationships it flows out of and as diverse as the people it reaches. Through the gospel it proclaims, evangelism is God's channel of love to a lost and needy world.

Jesus' Seven Last Words- by Warren W. Wiersbe


Jesus' Seven Last Words- by Warren W. Wiersbe

  • "Father, Forgive Them" 
  • "With Me in Paradise"
  • "Behold Thy Son!.....Behold Thy Mother!"
  • "Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?"
  • "I Thirst"
  • "It Is Finished"
  • "Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit"

Journey To Bethlehem- Back to the Bible


Journey To Bethlehem- Back to the Bible

Devotionals for the Christmas Season

Journey to Bethlehem and rediscover the wonder and joy of God's love gifts to the world, God in human form- Jesus.  Along the way, you'll meet men and women like Eve, Abraham, Rahab, and Zacharias.  And you'll uncover exciting truths from their own search for the promised Messiah.

"We have found the Messiah"  John 1:41

Lonely People- by Warren W. Wiersbe


Lonely People- by Warren W. Wiersbe

Wiersbe looks at the loneliness of :

  • Sin 
  • Suffering 
  • Service  
  • Self Pity  
  • Sorrow  
  • Stubbornness 
  • as well as the meaning of loneliness and Jesus Christ- the answer to loneliness.

Men & Women: Enjoying The Difference- by Dr. Larry Crabb


Men & Women: Enjoying The Difference- by Dr. Larry Crabb

Discover The Key to Building Strong Male-Female Relationships 

Has your marriage become a passionless routine that neither partner has the energy to break?

Could your relationships with co-workers and friends of the opposite sex be more satisfying and fulfilling?

Mormonism- by Salem Kirban


Mormonism- by Salem Kirban

Despite scriptures warning against adding or subracting from God's Word, the Mormons and other cults thrive because many people are ignorant of what the Bible teaches.

Since the first publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830, Mormons place this book on an equal with the Bible as a spiritual guide.  Over four million copies of the Book of Mormon have been printed.

Recovering From The Losses Of Life- by H. Norman Wright


Recovering From The Losses Of Life- by H. Norman Wright

No Matter What Kind of Loss You Encounter, This Book Can Help You Find Hope.

Learn how you can help and understand those you love who are grieving loss.

Roaring Lion- by Robert & Martha Peterson


Roaring Lion- by Robert & Martha Peterson

Experience Victory Over Demonic Attack.

The Christian is involved in a war on three fronts: against the world, the flesh and the devil.  This book is mainly about the third front, on which many modern Christians are least protected.

Satan: A Defeated Foe- by Charles H. Spurgeon


Satan: A Defeated Foe- by Charles H. Spurgeon

  • Satan Considering the Saints
  • Satan in a Rage 
  • Satanic Hindrance
  • Christ, the Conqueror of Satan 
  • Satan Departing, Angels Ministering

Shiokari Pass- by Ayako Miura


Shiokari Pass- by Ayako Miura

A fantastic story based on the real life story of Masao Nagano-

From the day they first met as children, Nobuo and Fujiko fell for each other. With unusual skill, Ayako Miura follows them through life. Her understanding of adolescents and her ability to carry her reader into a close affinity with the characters, accounts for the popularity of this book. In Japan, it is acclaimed for dispelling prejudice against Christianity. It gives a rare insight into Japanese life. The unfolding flower of love opens to full bloom in the snows of Shiokari Pass.

The Basis Of The Premillennial Faith- by Charles C. Ryrie


The Basis Of The Premillennial Faith- by Charles C. Ryrie

Find out what the Bible teaches about

  • the church age
  • the promises to Israel
  • the rapture, the tribulation
  • the second coming of Christ
  • and His 1000 year reign on earth

The Deceivers- by Josh McDowell & Don Stewart


The Deceivers- by Josh McDowell & Don Stewart

What Cults Believe and How They Lure Followers

  • The Knowledge Of The Holy- by A.W. Tozer


    The Knowledge Of The Holy- by A.W. Tozer

    "If We Would Bring Back Spiritual Power to our Lives, We Must Begin to Think of God More Nearly As He Is."

    Dr. Tozer helps us in this book on the character of God to rediscover His majesty in a way that will deeply affect our day to day living.

    The Pleasers- Women Who Can't Say No & The Men Who Control Them- by Dr. Kevin Leman


    The Pleasers- Women Who Can't Say No & The Men Who Control Them- by Dr. Kevin Leman

    Everything You Need To Know To Take Control Of Your Life!

    Are You "Yess-ing" Your Life Away?  Learn How to Move From No Power to No! Power!

    It's all here- quizzes, tests exercises, and step -by-step guidance.  Become your own person at last!  Discover why it all begins with the positive power of "NO!"

    The Resurrection Factor- by Josh McDowell


    The Resurrection Factor- by Josh McDowell

    Compelling Evidence Which Proves the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Beyond Doubt.

    Tomorrow Can Be Different- by H. Norman Wright


    Tomorrow Can Be Different- by H. Norman Wright

    God Has Chosen You for His Blessings!

    Are you unhappy with your life?  Don't be trapped by your yesterdays.  Enjoy a brighter tomorrow!

    What To Wear To The War- by Warren W. Wiersbe


    What To Wear To The War- by Warren W. Wiersbe

    Studies from Ephesians 6

     In What to Wear to the War you'll become reacquainted with each piece of armour God has provided—and you'll learn how to use that armour in your daily skirmishes against the foe.


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